We have launched a dedicated wholesale website! If you would like access to our wholesale pricing, please follow these easy steps:
- To start, you need to have an account with us. Click here and either sign in with your existing account information or click on Create account (below the Sign in button) and create a new one.
- Log into your account.
- Once logged in, a green button saying Wholesale will appear on the top right of your screen. Click on this to swop to the wholesale site.
- You will now be able to shop our wholesale prices. You will be able to see the minimum quantities required for each item where applicable, as well as the sliding discount scale. You can add a variety of items to your cart but will not be able to checkout unless you spend the required R1200 minimum.
- To search the site, make sure the first dropdown is set to All products and then type your search term in. You can also browse by category or alphabetically using the drop-down menu
- If you are not able to enter the quantity, you require it is because we are low on stock. Please email us on orders@essentoils.co.za if you require more than is reflected so we can let you know the eta of new stock.
- If you do not see a product on the site, we are not able to offer discounted pricing on it, or do not have sufficient stock to do so. Please do email us to enquire though, as we may be able to assist or may have stock coming in.
- Many of our items have smaller minimum quantities, or no MOQ’s and no discount to allow you to add them in for personal use to your cart. If there is anything you want to add to your cart that you cannot find, please email Michelle on admin@essentoils.co.za and we will let you know if we can add it to the wholesale site.
- To exit the site and return to the Essentoils online store, click on the X in the top left corner.
Please note:
- Our wholesale pricing is subject to minimum quantities and a total overall spend of R1200 per order.
- Stock may be sent unassembled, ie caps and bottles separate and not in the smaller pack sizes.